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Tangoe Mobile REST API

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Attribute Mapping for Activities

Accessory Order (activity\_type\_id=7)

activity_type_idThe type of activity ID numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=7
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSEN/ASTR
accessory_order_items_attributesAn array of accessories and their descriptions that are being orderedTRUE"Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)"INT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe city where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
stateThe state/province where this order should be shipped.TRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEN/AINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSEN/ASTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an ID and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Add/Remove Features (activity\_type\_id=15)

activity_type_idThe type of activity ID numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=15
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
business_feature_idsA Business Feature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. These are the features being added to the line.TRUEArray of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)INTOnly business_feature_ids or removed_feature_ids is required unless you want to add and remove in the same transaction
removed_feature_idsThe IDs of the features to be removedTRUE"Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)"INT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an ID and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Add Service to Existing Device (activity\_type\_id=37)

activity_type_idThe type of activity ID numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=37
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
carrier_idThe ID of the Mobile Carrier.TRUEN/AINT
labelCarrier label associated with the line of service.FALSEN/ASTR
device_identifierUnique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.)TRUEN/ASTR
new_simNew ICCID/SIM Card for the wireless device on this lineFALSEN/ASTR
address1The preferred street address where this order should be shipped.TRUE35 Characters or lessSTRline 1 of address should include house & street #
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe preferred city where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
stateThe preferred state/province where this order should be shipped.TRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
country_idcountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEN/AINT
ship_attentionThe name of the person the package will be shipped to.FALSEN/ASTRAttention To: on top line of address
preferred _area_codePreferred area code of device locationTRUE"3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx"STR
preferred _calling_prefixPreferred calling prefix of device locationFALSE"3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx"STR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSEN/ASTR
business_ref_device_idA specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.TRUEN/AINT
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEN/AINT
business_features_idA BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business.TRUEN/AINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Add Service To Managed Device (activity\_type\_id=40)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=40
carrier_idThe ID of the Mobile Carrier.TRUEINT
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe city where this order should be shipped.TRUESTR
stateThe state/province where this order should be shipped.TRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.TRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionThe name of the person the package will be shipped to.TRUESTRAttention To: on top line of address
address1The preferred street address where this order should be shipped.TRUE35 Characters or lessSTRline 1 of address should include house & street #
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe preferred city where this order should be shipped.TRUESTR
stateThe preferred state/province where this order should be shipped.TRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.TRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEINT
ship_attentionThe name of the person the package will be shipped to.FALSESTRAttention To: on top line of address
device_idThe identification on the device (esn, medi, generic serial, etc.)TRUESTR
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEINT
preferred _area_codePreferred area code of device locationTRUE"3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx"STR
preferred _calling_prefixPreferred calling prefix of device locationFALSE"3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx"STR
business_features_idA BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business.FALSEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Assign Line (activity\_type\_id=16)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=16
person_idThe ID of the person the line is assigned to in the portalFALSEINT
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
replacement_person_idThe ID of the replacement person with this activity.TRUEINT
labelCarrier label associated with the line of service.FALSESTR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Change Carrier (activity\_type\_id=4)

activity_type_idThe type of activity ID numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=4
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
carrier_idThe ID of the Mobile Carrier.TRUEINT
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe city where this order should be shipped.TRUESTR
stateThe state/province where this order should be shippedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe ZIP/postal code where this order should be shippedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressTRUESTR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
business_ref_device_idA specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.FALSEINT
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Change Phone Number (activity\_type\_id=13)

activity_type_idThe type of activity ID numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=13
employee_idThe employee_id of the Person the device is forFALSEINT
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressTRUESTR
address1The preferred street address where this order should be shipped.TRUE35 Characters or lessSTRline 1 of address should include house & street #
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe preferred city where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
stateThe preferred state/province where this order should be shipped.TRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.TRUEN/ASTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEN/AINT
ship_attentionThe name of the person the package will be shipped to.FALSEN/ASTRAttention To: on top line of address
preferred _area_codePreferred area code of device locationFALSE"3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx"STR
preferred _calling_prefixPreferred calling prefix of device locationFALSE"3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx"STR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSEN/ASTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Company to Individual Liable Line Tolil (activity\_type\_id=21)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=21
created_for_idThe id of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
carrier_idThe id of the Mobile CarrierTRUEINT
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
transfer_notesAny notes or additional information regarding the transfer.TRUESTR (string)
phone_numberPhone number being transferred.TRUESTR
nameName of person associated with the line.TRUESTR
to_liabilityLiability can be individual or corporate.TRUESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Corporate Eligibility Check (activity\_type\_id=44)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=44
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).*FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Device Assign (activity\_type\_id=24)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=24
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
device_idShow all devicesTRUEN/AINT
replacement_person_idThe ID of the replacement person with this activity.TRUEN/AINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Device Purchase (activity\_type\_id=22)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=22
business_ref_device_idA specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.TRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressTRUESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Device Replacement (activity\_type\_id=18)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=18
employee_idThe employee_id of the Person the device is for; either person_id or employee_id can be usedFALSEINT
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being madeTRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party)FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressTRUESTR
warrantyDevice warrantyTRUEOBJ
lost_stolenIs the device lost or stolen
damagedWas the device damaged
broken_sealWas the seal on the device broken
neglectWas there neglect to the device
mishandledWas the device mishandled
modifiedWas the device modified
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Device Swap (activity\_type\_id=8)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=8
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
device_identifierUnique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.)TRUEINT
new_simNew ICCID/SIM Card for the wireless device on this lineFALSESTR
replacement_ref_device_idList of replacement devicesTRUESTR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Device Upgrade (activity\_type\_id=17)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=17
person_idThe ID of the person this line is assigned to in the portalFALSEINT
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street numberTRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite numberFALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSESTR
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEINT
business_ref_device_ida specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.FALSEINT
replacement_person_idThe ID of the replacement person with this activity.FALSEINT
labelCarrier label associated with the line of service.FALSESTR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Enter Bring Your Own Mobile (activity\_type\_id=29)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=29
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
ref_device_idThe id of the Ref DeviceTRUEINT
device_identifierUnique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.)TRUEINT
program_idThe ID of the replacement person with this activity.TRUEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
signatureSignature of the user.FALSESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Leave Program (activity\_type\_id=33)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=33
program_membership_idID for membershipTRUEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Line Cancel (activity\_type\_id=1)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=1
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEN/AINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSEN/ASTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

New Line (activity\_type\_id=3)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=3
carrier_idThe ID of the Mobile Carrier.TRUEN/AINT
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSESTR
address1Preferred address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityPreferred city of where line is being activatedTRUESTR
statePreferred state of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zip_codePreferred zip of where the line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSESTR
preferred _area_codePreferred area code of device locationTRUE"3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx"STR
preferred _calling_prefixPreferred calling prefix of device locationFALSE"3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx"STR
business_ref_device_idA BusinessRefDevice is a specific Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.TRUEINT
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEINT
business_feature_idsA BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business.FALSE"Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)"INT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idThe ID used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSESTRRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Order Sim Card (activity\_type\_id=38)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=38
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.FALSEN/AINTLine_id is not required here but is probably the best way for getting the person if employee_id is not passed.
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #TRUE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is begin activatedTRUESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedTRUE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedTRUESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedTRUEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSESTR
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Plan Change (activity\_type\_id=14)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=14
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
business_plan_idA BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessTRUEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
business_feature_idsA Business Feature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. These are the features being added to the line.FALSE"Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)"INT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Reactivate Line (activity\_type\_id=42)

activity_type_idThe type of activity numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=42
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Reset Voicemail Password (activity\_type\_id=20)

activity_type_idThe type of activity numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=20
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Suspend (activity\_type\_id=2)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=2
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Transfer of Liability (activity\_type\_id=5)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=5
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.FALSEINT
address1Line 1 of address should include house & street #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR (string)
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityCity of where the line is begin activatedFALSESTR
stateState of where the line is being activatedFALSE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipZip code of the city where line is being activatedFALSESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEINT
ship_attentionAttention To: on top line of addressFALSESTR
transfer_notesAny notes or additional information regarding the transfer.TRUESTR
phone_numberPhone number being transferred.TRUESTR
nameName of person associated with the line.TRUESTR
to_liabilityLiability can be individual or corporate.TRUESTR
address1The preferred street address where this order should be shipped.FALSE35 Characters or lessSTRLine 1 of address should include house & street #
address2Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite #FALSE35 Characters or lessSTR
cityThe preferred city where this order should be shipped.FALSESTR
stateThe preferred state/province where this order should be shipped.FALSE2 letter abbreviationSTR
zipThe preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped.FALSESTR
country_idCountry of where the service is being activatedFALSEINT
ship_attentionThe name of the person the package will be shipped to.FALSESTRAttention To: on top line of address
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
business_ref_device_idA specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business.TRUEINT
business_plan_ida BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a BusinessFALSEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idcreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Travel Request (activity\_type\_id=12)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=12
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
commentComment entered when this activity was createdTRUESTR
pick_up_dateDeparture DateTRUEDATE
return_dateReturn DateTRUEDATE
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEINTRequired only if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Unsuspend (activity\_type\_id=87)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEINT (integer)activity_type_id=87
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEINT
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEOnly if a third party is being used
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSESTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create

Upgrade Eligibility Check (activity\_type\_id=9)

activity_type_idThe type of activity id numberTRUEN/AINT (integer)activity_type_id=9
line_idThe ID of the line of service for which the request is being made.TRUEN/AINT
created_for_idThe ID of the Person the activity was created for.FALSEN/AINTNot Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL
remote_activity_idUsed to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party).FALSEN/ASTRRequired only if a third party is being used
commentComment entered when this activity was createdFALSESTR
custom_fields(each custom field will have an id and value)
custom_field_idCreate custom field data configured to your activity typesFALSEN/ASTR
valueThe value of the custom field you wish to create


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