Tangoe Mobile REST API
Attribute Mapping for Activities
Accessory Order (activity\_type\_id=7)
activity_type_id | The type of activity ID number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=7 |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
accessory_order_items_attributes | An array of accessories and their descriptions that are being ordered | TRUE | "Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)" | INT | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
state | The state/province where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an ID and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Add/Remove Features (activity\_type\_id=15)
activity_type_id | The type of activity ID number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=15 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
business_feature_ids | A Business Feature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. These are the features being added to the line. | TRUE | Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789) | INT | Only business_feature_ids or removed_feature_ids is required unless you want to add and remove in the same transaction |
removed_feature_ids | The IDs of the features to be removed | TRUE | "Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)" | INT | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an ID and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Add Service to Existing Device (activity\_type\_id=37)
activity_type_id | The type of activity ID number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=37 |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
carrier_id | The ID of the Mobile Carrier. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
label | Carrier label associated with the line of service. | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
device_identifier | Unique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.) | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
new_sim | New ICCID/SIM Card for the wireless device on this line | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
preferred_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | The preferred street address where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR | line 1 of address should include house & street # |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The preferred city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
state | The preferred state/province where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
country_id | country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | N/A | INT | |
ship_attention | The name of the person the package will be shipped to. | FALSE | N/A | STR | Attention To: on top line of address |
preferred _area_code | Preferred area code of device location | TRUE | "3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx" | STR | |
preferred _calling_prefix | Preferred calling prefix of device location | FALSE | "3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx" | STR | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
business_ref_device_id | A specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
business_features_id | A BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Add Service To Managed Device (activity\_type\_id=40)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=40 | |
carrier_id | The ID of the Mobile Carrier. | TRUE | INT | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | STR | ||
state | The state/province where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | The name of the person the package will be shipped to. | TRUE | STR | Attention To: on top line of address | |
preferred_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | The preferred street address where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR | line 1 of address should include house & street # |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The preferred city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | STR | ||
state | The preferred state/province where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | INT | ||
ship_attention | The name of the person the package will be shipped to. | FALSE | STR | Attention To: on top line of address | |
device_id | The identification on the device (esn, medi, generic serial, etc.) | TRUE | STR | ||
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | INT | ||
preferred _area_code | Preferred area code of device location | TRUE | "3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx" | STR | |
preferred _calling_prefix | Preferred calling prefix of device location | FALSE | "3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx" | STR | |
business_features_id | A BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. | FALSE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Assign Line (activity\_type\_id=16)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=16 | |
person_id | The ID of the person the line is assigned to in the portal | FALSE | INT | ||
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
replacement_person_id | The ID of the replacement person with this activity. | TRUE | INT | ||
label | Carrier label associated with the line of service. | FALSE | STR | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Change Carrier (activity\_type\_id=4)
activity_type_id | The type of activity ID number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=4 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
carrier_id | The ID of the Mobile Carrier. | TRUE | INT | ||
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | STR | ||
state | The state/province where this order should be shipped | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | TRUE | STR | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
business_ref_device_id | A specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | FALSE | INT | ||
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Change Phone Number (activity\_type\_id=13)
activity_type_id | The type of activity ID number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=13 | |
employee_id | The employee_id of the Person the device is for | FALSE | INT | ||
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | TRUE | STR | ||
preferred_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | The preferred street address where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR | line 1 of address should include house & street # |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The preferred city where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
state | The preferred state/province where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | TRUE | N/A | STR | |
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | N/A | INT | |
ship_attention | The name of the person the package will be shipped to. | FALSE | N/A | STR | Attention To: on top line of address |
preferred _area_code | Preferred area code of device location | FALSE | "3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx" | STR | |
preferred _calling_prefix | Preferred calling prefix of device location | FALSE | "3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx" | STR | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Company to Individual Liable Line Tolil (activity\_type\_id=21)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=21 | |
created_for_id | The id of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
carrier_id | The id of the Mobile Carrier | TRUE | INT | ||
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
transfer_of_liability_attributes | |||||
transfer_notes | Any notes or additional information regarding the transfer. | TRUE | STR (string) | ||
phone_number | Phone number being transferred. | TRUE | STR | ||
name | Name of person associated with the line. | TRUE | STR | ||
to_liability | Liability can be individual or corporate. | TRUE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Corporate Eligibility Check (activity\_type\_id=44)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=44 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | *FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Device Assign (activity\_type\_id=24)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=24 |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
device_id | Show all devices | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
replacement_person_id | The ID of the replacement person with this activity. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Device Purchase (activity\_type\_id=22)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=22 | |
business_ref_device_id | A specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | TRUE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Device Replacement (activity\_type\_id=18)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=18 | |
employee_id | The employee_id of the Person the device is for; either person_id or employee_id can be used | FALSE | INT | ||
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party) | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | TRUE | STR | ||
warranty | Device warranty | TRUE | OBJ | ||
lost_stolen | Is the device lost or stolen | ||||
damaged | Was the device damaged | ||||
broken_seal | Was the seal on the device broken | ||||
neglect | Was there neglect to the device | ||||
mishandled | Was the device mishandled | ||||
modified | Was the device modified | ||||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Device Swap (activity\_type\_id=8)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=8 | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
device_identifier | Unique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.) | TRUE | INT | ||
new_sim | New ICCID/SIM Card for the wireless device on this line | FALSE | STR | ||
replacement_ref_device_id | List of replacement devices | TRUE | STR | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Device Upgrade (activity\_type\_id=17)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=17 | |
person_id | The ID of the person this line is assigned to in the portal | FALSE | INT | ||
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street number | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite number | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | STR | ||
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | INT | ||
business_ref_device_id | a specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | FALSE | INT | ||
replacement_person_id | The ID of the replacement person with this activity. | FALSE | INT | ||
label | Carrier label associated with the line of service. | FALSE | STR | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Enter Bring Your Own Mobile (activity\_type\_id=29)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=29 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
ref_device_id | The id of the Ref Device | TRUE | INT | ||
device_identifier | Unique identifier for the Device (IMEI, MEID, ESN, etc.) | TRUE | INT | ||
program_id | The ID of the replacement person with this activity. | TRUE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
signature | Signature of the user. | FALSE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Leave Program (activity\_type\_id=33)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=33 | |
program_membership_id | ID for membership | TRUE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Line Cancel (activity\_type\_id=1)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=1 |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
New Line (activity\_type\_id=3)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=3 |
carrier_id | The ID of the Mobile Carrier. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | STR | ||
preferred_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Preferred address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | Preferred city of where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | Preferred state of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip_code | Preferred zip of where the line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | STR | ||
preferred _area_code | Preferred area code of device location | TRUE | "3 Characters 123-xxx-xxxx" | STR | |
preferred _calling_prefix | Preferred calling prefix of device location | FALSE | "3 Characters xxx-123-xxxx" | STR | |
business_ref_device_id | A BusinessRefDevice is a specific Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | TRUE | INT | ||
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | INT | ||
business_feature_ids | A BusinessFeature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. | FALSE | "Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)" | INT | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | The ID used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | STR | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Order Sim Card (activity\_type\_id=38)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=38 |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Line_id is not required here but is probably the best way for getting the person if employee_id is not passed. |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | TRUE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is begin activated | TRUE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | TRUE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | TRUE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | TRUE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | STR | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Plan Change (activity\_type\_id=14)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=14 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
business_plan_id | A BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | TRUE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
business_feature_ids | A Business Feature is a Feature (messaging, data, etc.) associated with a Business. These are the features being added to the line. | FALSE | "Array of comma separated integers (123, 456, 789)" | INT | |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Reactivate Line (activity\_type\_id=42)
activity_type_id | The type of activity number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=42 | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Reset Voicemail Password (activity\_type\_id=20)
activity_type_id | The type of activity number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=20 | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Suspend (activity\_type\_id=2)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=2 | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Transfer of Liability (activity\_type\_id=5)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=5 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | FALSE | INT | ||
shipping_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | Line 1 of address should include house & street # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR (string) | |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | City of where the line is begin activated | FALSE | STR | ||
state | State of where the line is being activated | FALSE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | Zip code of the city where line is being activated | FALSE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | INT | ||
ship_attention | Attention To: on top line of address | FALSE | STR | ||
transfer_of_liability_attributes | |||||
transfer_notes | Any notes or additional information regarding the transfer. | TRUE | STR | ||
phone_number | Phone number being transferred. | TRUE | STR | ||
name | Name of person associated with the line. | TRUE | STR | ||
to_liability | Liability can be individual or corporate. | TRUE | STR | ||
preferred_address_attributes | |||||
address1 | The preferred street address where this order should be shipped. | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | Line 1 of address should include house & street # |
address2 | Line 2 of address should include Apt # or suite # | FALSE | 35 Characters or less | STR | |
city | The preferred city where this order should be shipped. | FALSE | STR | ||
state | The preferred state/province where this order should be shipped. | FALSE | 2 letter abbreviation | STR | |
zip | The preferred ZIP/postal code where this order should be shipped. | FALSE | STR | ||
country_id | Country of where the service is being activated | FALSE | INT | ||
ship_attention | The name of the person the package will be shipped to. | FALSE | STR | Attention To: on top line of address | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
business_ref_device_id | A specific kind of Device (phone/aircard/tablet/etc.) associated with a Business. | TRUE | INT | ||
business_plan_id | a BusinessPlan is a Carrier's Plan associated with a Business | FALSE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Travel Request (activity\_type\_id=12)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=12 | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL | |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | TRUE | STR | ||
pick_up_date | Departure Date | TRUE | DATE | ||
return_date | Return Date | TRUE | DATE | ||
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | INT | Required only if a third party is being used | |
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Unsuspend (activity\_type\_id=87)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=87 | |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | INT | ||
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | Only if a third party is being used | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | STR | ||
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
Upgrade Eligibility Check (activity\_type\_id=9)
activity_type_id | The type of activity id number | TRUE | N/A | INT (integer) | activity_type_id=9 |
line_id | The ID of the line of service for which the request is being made. | TRUE | N/A | INT | |
created_for_id | The ID of the Person the activity was created for. | FALSE | N/A | INT | Not Required if you pass an employee_id through the URL |
remote_activity_id | Used to tie this request to any remote system (provided by third party). | FALSE | N/A | STR | Required only if a third party is being used |
comment | Comment entered when this activity was created | FALSE | STR | ||
custom_fields | (each custom field will have an id and value) | ||||
custom_field_id | Create custom field data configured to your activity types | FALSE | N/A | STR | |
value | The value of the custom field you wish to create |
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